Talk of Life

Thursday, December 08, 2005

VM 2.10: One Angry Veronica

Here are my thoughts on this week's episode of Veronica Mars.

This week's episode was 2.10 - "One Angry Veronica." I really don't have much to say about this episode, because I found the 12 Angry Men storyline about Veronica serving jury duty to be, in a word, boring. Something this show rarely is to me, even when it has a subpar episode. Which makes this one even more subpar. Like double bogey.

In addition to boring me to tears, the jury plot was so implausible for so many reasons. For one thing, it was completely unreasonable that the jury would have voted to convict the defendants on such a wildly speculative theory based on no real evidence at all. Um, reasonable doubt? Look into it. Truly, there were so many problems with the entire storyline, it's hardly worth even going into. Like the judge calling Veronica into her chambers by herself, without the rest of the jury. Yeah, that would happen. Weevil could have driven through the plot holes on his big ol' hog even with Logan riding shotgun in the sidecar, both of them with capes a'flyin'.

Anyway, I understand that the point of the jury storyline was twofold: one, it re-affirmed the ongoing racial hostilities and simmering tensions in the Neptune class war (like we needed more re-affirming), and b, it gave the 09ers another excuse to go back to hating Veronica and shunning her, so she would again become a social outcast. Frankly, I haven't seen much evidence that she was ever truly accepted back into 09erdom in the first place. Based on what we've seen on the show, it appears that Duncan's crowd is friendly enough to Veronica in the presence of the Donut, but otherwise? Not so much. Ashley Banks and Madison Sinclair and others of their ilk have been just as nasty to Veronica as ever. And Dick is still dickish to her, morphing into transparently fake ass-kissing only when he feels it prudent in the presence of the Donut or the Logan.

Moving away from the jury story (yes, please!), there were some things to like about this episode. In a word, Logan. He brings the pretty even when he's bringing the pain. All together now: Poor Logan. Sure, it was dumb to destroy the tapes, but totally in character that he would do something like that, believing that he was somehow preserving the sanctity or dignity of Lilly's memory.

Just as it was believable that Logan would watch the tapes before erasing them. Oh, Logan, you poor screwed up masochistic kid. He lives for the pain and the drama, that boy. But I hope that actually watching Lilly get it on with Aaron will allow him to finally put Lilly and that relationship to rest, once and for all. Even Logan has to deal with his pain and guilt and anguish at some point and move on with his life, and I think he's starting to turn a corner. Yeah, he called Lilly the "love of his life," but that was just Logan the drama queen using that "defiling" line to express his contempt for his father. I don't think it indicates that Logan is completely blind to Lilly's faults or that he's so hung up on her that he's not able to move on to a real relationship with a living girl (whose name rhymes with Meronica Vars, maybe?). Anyway, JD totally sold that scene in the hotel suite and it was all very real and believable to me that Logan would do all the things he did.

Is it believable that Leo would steal the tapes in the first place? Eh, not so much. Nothing we've seen from Leo before would indicate he'd do something so illegal and unethical and stupid, but then again, he's apparently been hiding his little sister with Down's syndrome all this time, so there ya go.

What else? Oh, yeah, Duncan. The less said about him, the better. I kept waiting for "one angry Veronica" to show up, but she was MIA. What with the jury duty and all.

Meg? Sorry to see her go, because I liked the character last year and Alona Tal did a good job with the role. I actually even teared up a little when Keith told Veronica she had died. It's too bad that Veronica's two closest female friends have both died under mysterious circumstances. Mac might be getting worried about now. Veronica's turning into Jessica Fletcher, for pete's sake.

Lamb? Heh. His fascination with his own physique was amusing, but almost over-the-top in the "let's give the fans something to squee about" sort of way. He even played with the waistband of his pants for a second. Ever the tease. But hey, Michael Muhney looks good, so I'm not complaining. If they can put Kendall in all those skimpy outfits, I don't mind seeing a little rack of Lamb once in a while.

And last but not least: Yea! for Wallace's return. What a welcome surprise that was, and yet again, I teared up at his appearance at Veronica's doorstep and how happy she was to see him. I'm such a sap.

Episode Grade: B

This was an underwhelming episode to me because the jury storyline was both implausible and boring and did not advance any of our main mysteries at all. The only saving grace was the Keith/Logan scenes and in particular, the scene of Logan watching, and then destroying, the Lilly/Aaron sex tapes. That one scene alone may rank as one of my favorite VM scenes ever.

cindywrites summed up the episode best when she (excuse me, Buffy) said:

Trial plot? Bad. Logan? Pretty.

Favorite line: Which one are you? Blinky? Humpty? . . . Zorro?


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